如何鉴赏书法作品(How to appreciate calligraphic works).doc

如何鉴赏书法作品(How to appreciate calligraphic works).doc

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如何鉴赏书法作品(How to appreciate calligraphic works)

如何鉴赏书法作品(How to appreciate calligraphic works) How to appreciate calligraphic works In todays society, high priced paintings, high prices, fewer calligraphy. Since painting is more expensive than calligraphy, it is more difficult to create a painting than to write it. In fact, the written word is more difficult to draw good. Cant you see that a good calligrapher in Chinese history is much less famous than a famous painter? Although a good painter paints like a calligrapher, he writes a stroke, but each pen does not have to be written by a calligrapher. Calligrapher at the time of writing requires each pen to write very precise. A pen to write the word bad people looked very uncomfortable, even throughout the word people looked very uncomfortable; but a bad painter, but often can not see, maybe you can change the color. In ancient times, many calligraphers calligraphy are very hard, with a large number of pen and ink, resulting in Bizhong and black story. There is a good practice to master calligraphy calligraphy calligrapher from the accumulation of time, than a good painter from painting to painting a good picture of the accumulation of time not only many, perhaps longer, but the scene expression, calligraphy household time than the artist with less time. The famous painter at the age of twenty or thirty, who has seen a famous calligrapher at the age of twenty or thirty? The book in calligraphy is writing, also law is the rules, rules, testimonies, calligraphy is the law of writing. We usually put in a certain writing rules written with aesthetic value of the word, called fine calligraphy, this is a calligrapher. And not to the general brush called calligraphy, the use of brush to write people are called calligrapher.. Why dont we foreigners write foreign languages called calligraphy? That is because the form and structure of a letter of no aesthetic value, aesthetic value of the line two does not rule, it represents the symbol of language, and not to have the aest


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