农作物主要虫害识别及防治(Identification and control of major insect pests in crops).doc

农作物主要虫害识别及防治(Identification and control of major insect pests in crops).doc

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农作物主要虫害识别及防治(Identification and control of major insect pests in crops)

农作物主要虫害识别及防治(Identification and control of major insect pests in crops) Identification and control of major insect pests in crops [source: Bureau of science, technology and information industry I. Basic knowledge of agricultural insects There are about about 1500000 species of scientific names in the world, while insects account for more than 1 million species. Insects not only have many kinds, but also have wide distribution and strong adaptability. Many insects harm crops or spread diseases. They are harmful to human beings. They are called pests, such as grasshoppers, grass borers, aphids and so on. Some pests for food science, can help mankind to the eradication of pests, such as beetles, lacewings and parasitic wasps; some can help plant pollination; some can create wealth for human beings, such as honey bees, silkworms spin silk called insects. 1. The concept of insects: insects are the most important species in the phylum of arthropods. It has the following characteristics: adult body, chest and abdomen in three separate sections; head mouthparts and antennae, a pair of eyes, 1 - 3 monocular (some type of monocular); the chest had 3 pairs of legs, most of the species have 2 pairs of wings; the abdomen usually consists of 9 - 11 individual sections at the end there are external genitalia. To sum up, the morphological characteristics of the adult stage of insects are: body division, chest and abdomen, and 3 pairs of feet, usually with 2 pairs of wings, and the skin is tough and not bony. 2, insect mouthparts: mouthparts are insect feeding organs, insect feeding and feeding method because of the different mouthparts vary greatly, can be divided into two types, namely, chewing and sucking mouthparts. Mandibulate mouthparts of insects is the most primitive form, other forms are evolved from this. Chewing mouthparts, feeding mainly solid foods, such as locusts, loxostegesticticalis. Sucking mouthparts: feeding liquid food, such as aphids, spider mites, bugs, etc..



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