Episode 2-2013语言学学习内容.ppt

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Episode 2-2013语言学学习内容.ppt

Main Characteristics of English Vocabulary Pre-questions: Ⅰ. The Development of English Vocabulary Ⅰ. The Development of English Vocabulary 1. Old English/Anglo-Saxon Period (449- 1100) 2. Middle English /Anglo-Norman Period(1100-1500) 3. Modern English Period (1500- now) English as one from Indo-European Family 1. Old English/Anglo-Saxon Period We are so accustomed to thinking of English as an inseparable part of English people. In fact, it has been the language of England for a comparatively short period. Since its introduction into the island, it only has had a career of about 1500 years. A brief introduction to the History of England Inhabitants and Cultures Paleolithic (Old Stone) Age Primitive culture Artistic skills in the latest Paleolithic strata Language not survived 5000 B.C Mediterranean race Language not survived Basques (in Spain) The Celts The first people in England about whose language we have definite knowledge Bronze The first Indo-European language to be spoken in England Gaelic(盖尔语)/Goidelic(戈伊德尔语), Brythonic (布立吞语) The Roman Conquest The invasion of Julius Caesar, 55 B.C The conquest of the Emperor Claudius, A.D. 43 300 years since then Romanization of the Island High ways, roads Small cities and towns Building, clothing, temples, theaters, artistic products Christianity: A.D. 314, a church council in Gaul The Latin Language in Britain The official language Confined to the upper classes, inhabitants in cities and towns, and artisan class Celtic language was not replaced Declined after A.D. 410 The significant history of English language begins with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes from about 450 AD. The language they spoke was Anglo-Saxon, which replaced the Celtic (凯尔特语)spoken by the former inhabitants. The next 700 years (449-1100) are known as the Old English (OE) or Anglo-Saxson (AS) period The vocabulary of Old English contains some fifty or sixty thousand words,


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