垃圾运输问题的模型及其求解(Model of garbage transport problem and its solution).doc

垃圾运输问题的模型及其求解(Model of garbage transport problem and its solution).doc

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垃圾运输问题的模型及其求解(Model of garbage transport problem and its solution)

垃圾运输问题的模型及其求解(Model of garbage transport problem and its solution) Liu Yuxing, Zhong Jian (A. School of mathematics and computer science, GanNan Normal University, B. Network Center, Jiangxi, Ganzhou, 341000) Abstract: through the establishment and solution of the model of waste transportation, this paper summarizes the general solution to this problem, that is to say, to construct the appropriate problem according to the actual problem The directed or undirected weighted graph is used to transform the problem into mecqs TSP problem. By solving the TSP problem, the original problem is satisfactorily answered shut 1 relevant concepts Define l [I1 set G= ((E)) is connected undirected graph, (1) a path of Hamilton or diurnal path called G for each vertex of G; (2) after each vertex G is a circle, called a G, or Hamiltonian circle; (3) days circle graph is called Hamiltonian graph or chart. Definition 2 [I1 sets D = ((A)) is a connected directed graph, (1) a loop that passes exactly once at every vertex of D is called the generating ring of D; (2) with generation circle graph is called Hamiltonian graph or chart. Define 3. Let G be a complete (directed or undirected) weighted graph, and the problem of finding the minimum right closure in C is called the TSP problem (i.e., Traveling Salesman Problem). If this is the closed circle, then the best day for closed circle. It is easy to prove that the TSP problem can be translated into the problem of finding the best H ring when it satisfies the condition t } () +t}, which can be constructed by constructing one A complete graph is implemented 2 waste transportation problems Example l there are a number of garbage collection points in a city. Every day, from the garbage treatment plant (No. thirty-seventh node), the rubbish is carried back Fig. 1 road map of freight car The car line has been set down for lO (as shown in Figure 1) To save money, the van always goes away from each line The garbage collection point at the plant b



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