学法方案(Learning scheme).doc

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学法方案(Learning scheme)

学法方案(Learning scheme) Web pages, pictures, videos, music, Wikipedia, news, maps and more Sign in Search ask Ask the front page Question bank Knowledge channel User channel Ask about activities Ask the team Ask the mall All questions leisure / hobbies books, audio and video Share: micro-blog Sina micro-blog Tencent QQ space | collection Anonymous 2008-12-13 The gate of impact school -- V learning scheme Is the effect of this book as good as the advertisement says? Has anyone ever used this book? Who can tell me the impact of advertising on --V? Is it true or false? Satisfactory answer * Yu Shu Lei 8 2008-12-14. Four in one college entrance examination system The impact of the elite of the door -- V learning plan (hereinafter referred to as the V method) is based on marginal potential optimization increase the examination theory, to test scores as a strategic goal to win the breakthrough of college entrance examination system, a variety of subjects in college entrance examination review summarizes the design rules, increase increase strategy and the increase mode, the college entrance examination review of intelligent memory, problem solving, smart rolling planning and time management, goal, network assessment, fault comb source information, scientific work, the brains biological clock, with the brain rhythms, advantages of migration, sieve type circulation, heart state regulation, motivation, beliefs, meaning heart like success Jiao Huanfa, weak makeup, coordination, subjects of super class, sleep strategy, sprint pro forma high of more than 80 kinds of incremental learning method optimization of elements combined into one of the four college entrance examination points system, dig out the candidates each. Purpose enrichment potential. Answer two: elite students experience points Due to the use of V method, the effect is obvious, the 2005 session of the 2006 session of the 2007 session, and the candidates from too much, and the limit of the layout, only with the nu



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