学校防汛应急预案(School flood prevention emergency plan).doc

学校防汛应急预案(School flood prevention emergency plan).doc

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学校防汛应急预案(School flood prevention emergency plan)

学校防汛应急预案(School flood prevention emergency plan) School flood prevention emergency plan In order to do a good job of flood prevention work, conscientiously implement the school safety and accident prevention measures, to strengthen the emergency rescue work of major accidents school, rapid, orderly and efficient handling of flood safety accidents, ensure that the first time concentrate all forces into the rescue and relief, make the greatest efforts to reduce casualties and property losses, the timely elimination of joint risks after the accident to maximize the protection of teachers and students, and school safety, according to the level of the spirit, combined with the actual situation of our school, the flood prevention plan formulated: First, the composition of the emergency response agencies 1, the establishment of school flood control work leadership command Chief of flood control: President Hao Dengqiang Deputy commander in chief: Cui Guangrong; Kong Song leads Hu Junling nbsp: Cheng Xiuling; Yang Sen Lv Haibin Li Zebang Wang Xichang the nbsp Li Ziwei Li Wenfa Gao Shengli Cheng; Shi Zhongning Zhai Fuzhen Zhao Zhongli Cheung king of Li Hongwei Hou Chuanjing Lin Yuan Guang Jun Li Shanlin Sun Jianfeng nbsp Shen Pingchen Xinqi and the entire class; 2, main responsibilities (1) strengthen leadership, improve the organization, and strengthen the work (reprinted from the library , please retain this mark) Responsibilities, improve the formulation of emergency plans and the implementation of various measures. (2) publicity and education to make full use of various channels of flood prevention knowledge, education knowledge, guide the flood control organization, to carry out a wide range of self-help and mutual aid training, and constantly improve the teachers and students the basic skills and awareness of flood control. (3) the flood occurred, to take all necessary means to organize the comprehensive strength of the flood prevention



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