学生会主要活动流程介绍(Introduction of main activities of Student Union).doc

学生会主要活动流程介绍(Introduction of main activities of Student Union).doc

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学生会主要活动流程介绍(Introduction of main activities of Student Union)

学生会主要活动流程介绍(Introduction of main activities of Student Union) Introduction to the main activities of the student union of the Department of Life Sciences 1. Making application books, planning books, and handing them in to the Presidium Requirements: 1., the planning contents include: activity time, location, purpose, participants, organization forms, activities, specific processes, activities, budget, meaning and so on. 2. planning books should be submitted to the General Bureau and the Bureau for approval five days ahead of schedule 3. after the approval of the planning book, upload the electronic version to the student union folder, your own room, the corresponding activities folder Two. Preparation for activities After the plan is approved by the general branch of the group and the student union Bureau, the Department can prepare to carry out the activities, and make preparations before it is carried out, which can be divided into the following parts: (1) literary and art competitions; 1. determine the guests and judges invited by the event 2, determine the scoring rules, formulate scoring table 3, notify the student union propaganda department out of board publicity, and SMS inform all participants 4. statistics all participants information and determine the time and place of competition Requirements: not all time and class time conflict (especially in the open class, such as the situation and policy course), do not carry out activities conflict with other departments, where the place of conflict is not selected and other organizations (advance internet classroom) 5. arrange the audience (two) sports competitions; 1., draw up the competition related table (such as autumn cup, basketball game, scoring form, registration form, etc.) 2., contact Propaganda Department billboard publicity, and at the same time send the registration form to each class, sign up 3., withdraw the registration form, count the number of entries, determine the competition time, place and co



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