完全西餐礼仪(Full western etiquette).doc

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完全西餐礼仪(Full western etiquette)

完全西餐礼仪(Full western etiquette) Sender: KissBaBy (Kubby_When), signal area: Food Title: complete Western food etiquette zz Mail Station: BBS SMTH station (Fri Mar 12 11:12:27 2004), again Full western etiquette -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * start ordering! From the previous dish to the coffee, this is the most traditional form of the meal: the first dish, the soup, the fish, the meat, the 1 Fruit freezing point 2 Meat Salad salad dessert dessert fruit coffee. Drink a little aperitif before the starter, or you can Choose a small snack. It simplifies the full meal: today, in addition to the wedding reception of Western-style food, more like the whole package has become less and less, There is only one common meat dish. In the dining room, you can order according to the restaurants combination, or you can follow it Your own taste, match your favorite dishes. * use a knife and fork, dont fool Take the fork in your left hand, press it with your knife, and then fork it up to the entrance. If the food is fine Spoon the front of the fork. Of course, in an easy meal with friends, if you dont need a knife, you can use your right hand Fork eating. Setting the knife and fork to convey the information: in the meal for the eight characters, the fork is straight, the reverse side can be, and the degree side will be Be yourself. The blade is hostile to others. After dinner, you can fork the front face up, the knife side of the knife side Combine the inside with the forks and place them parallel to the tray. Napkins are prepared to prevent clothing from being soiled at meals. Usually open at the end of the meal and place it in the fold after the knees On. Leave or leave after eating, dont put the napkin hanging on the back of a chair, or crumpled on the table. The correct posture and proper angle have a considerable influence on your elegant demeanor. * enjoy all kinds of food with pleasure Eat the food - before: a bit like Chines


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