对联手法(Antithetical couplet).doc

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对联手法(Antithetical couplet)

对联手法(Antithetical couplet) [] also known as the unique poetic couplet couplet, on Chinas traditional literary genre, has close relationship with the Chinese characters, its main characteristic is the antithesis neat, pingze coordination. [] means for celebrating the Spring Festival couplets Spring Festival couplets. Example: as the new year begins / Everything looks fresh and gay. [] also called marriage couplets Xilian, marriage is a special language. Example: Qin and Se static / perfect conjugal bliss [] together for birthday couplets. Example: longevity / happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea [] by epitaph elegiac evolved, for example: mourning the dead couplets, crying tears / pen was the only male without words [] to hang in the light with light on the language. Example: Siyu spring to the earth people / the lights burn, such as silver moon [United] will study, hanging in the hall and said the host lying environmental ambition couplets. Example: the rise and fall of the world / I (Gu Yanwu) [link] refers to the scenic spot specifically for a writing couplets, engraved places of historic interest and scenic beauty. Example: since when spring cold / peak from nowhere (Hangzhou Lengquan Pavilion) [] specifically written for industry with industry characteristics of the couplets, plays the role of advertising industry. Example: Although a skill / is on the top of Kung Fu (barber) [link] communication refers to the people used for reward friendship couplets. Example: great value than Si Shi / pregnant when using the same as the [United] refers to the painting and calligraphy inscribed in the paintings on the couplet. According to the picture on the topic on screen couplets. Example: when there is no bamboo, there is a festival / and Lingyun is still modest (Li Kuchan Title bamboo) [four] four acoustic sound and tonal tonal close relationship, including four sound 1. sound four sound flat, into (example: day, 000, Fu, please refer to the details of Wang poetry) The



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