建筑资质升级背后的重重黑幕——住建系统腐败窝案警示(Heavy shady behind the upgrade of building quality -- warning of corruption in residential building system).doc

建筑资质升级背后的重重黑幕——住建系统腐败窝案警示(Heavy shady behind the upgrade of building quality -- warning of corruption in residential building system).doc

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建筑资质升级背后的重重黑幕——住建系统腐败窝案警示(Heavy shady behind the upgrade of building quality -- warning of corruption in residential building system)

建筑资质升级背后的重重黑幕——住建系统腐败窝案警示(Heavy shady behind the upgrade of building quality -- warning of corruption in residential building system) Heavy shady behind the upgrade of building quality -- warning of corruption in residential building system Xinhua viewpoint: heavy shady behind the upgrade of building quality - warning of corruption in residential building system X Beijing May 14 Xinhua (reporter Liu Yuanxu, Tu Ming, Wang Kun) involved with the housing system of bribery scandal, recently in Beijing City judiciary gradually trial, the construction industry upgrading the qualification of corruption shady gradually surfaced. Watches, shares, real estate, cash, cars...... Several involved in the use of personnel in charge of examination and approval, to master information, participate in the review and other convenient, covert rights trading, strict procedures and regulations have been easily broken down, to warn people, thought-provoking. Qualification upgrade hidden trick conditions missing back door Chinas construction industry to carry out qualification examination and management system, construction enterprises must engage in construction within the scope of qualification permit. In order to improve the quality of construction enterprises competitiveness, gexianshentong. Liu Yuxin, former deputy director of the Ministry of housing construction market supervision department which is being hit sugar coated bullet. In 2000, a Beijing engineering company chairman GUI found when he was director of the former Ministry of construction in the construction market management department of Liu Yu Xin help handle a qualification. After all, Liu Yuxin accepted GUI 10 thousand dollars, 300 thousand yuan shares, and below the market price of 900 thousand yuan, from the hands of GUI bought an apartment. In 2006, a Hebei construction group to apply for a special qualification to upgrade, as a construction engineer certificate and personnel with engineering, there is a lack of perfor


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