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20 13 12 年 月 27 12 1 282 第 卷第 期 CHIN J DERM VENEREOL Dec 20 13 ,Vol. 27 ,No. 12 1 结节性硬化症多系统损害 例 , , , 寇晓丽 樊传建 王伟 董萍云 [ ] ,14 。 1 , , , 。 摘 要 患儿女 岁 从 岁起 面部出现粟粒大小红色丘疹 躯干先后出现条叶状形白斑 鲨鱼皮样斑 伴 , 。 CT : ; CT : 。 : 癫痫 智力低下 头颅 示 脑内多发钙化灶 双侧肾脏 示 双肾错构瘤 面部皮损组织病理示 , 、 。 : 。 真皮乳头层内血管增多扩张 部分毛囊 皮脂腺周围见粗大胶原束 诊断 结节性硬化症 [ ] ; ; ; 关键词 结节性硬化症 遗传 癫痫 肾脏错构瘤 [ ] R 758. 5 [ ] B [ ] 1001 - 7089 (2013)12 - 1282 - 02 中图分类号 文献标识码 文章编号 A Case of Tuberous Sclerosis with Multisystem Damage KOU Xiao-li ,FAN Chuan-jian ,WANG Wei ,DONG Ping-yun (Dep artment of Dermatology ,the Second Hosp ital of Hebei Medicine University ,Shij iazhuang 050000 ,China) [Corresponding author] DONG Ping-yun ,E-mail :pydong56229@ aliyun. com [Abstract] A 14-year-old girl presented with millet size red papules on face ,appeared leaf shape white spots and shark- skin plaque trunk successively from the age of one with a history of epilepsy mental deficiency. The head CT showed :multiple calcifications in the brain. Bilateral renal CT showed :double renal hamartomas. Histological examinations of the face lesions showed :the vessels increased and expanded with in the papilla layer of der- mis. Large collage fibers around follicle and sebaceous could be seen. The diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis was made. [Key words] Tuberous sclerosis ;Inherited ;Epilepsy ;Renal hamartomas 1


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