必修三 unit 3 a sad love story reading.ppt

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必修三 unit 3 a sad love story reading

Do you know the history of Valentine’s Day? 公元三世纪时,古罗马有一位暴君叫克劳多斯。暴君的宫殿不远,有一座非常漂亮的神庙。修士瓦沦丁就住在这里,罗马人非常崇敬他。当时,古罗马的战事一直连绵不断,暴君克劳多斯征召了大批公民前往战场,人们怨声载道。男人们不愿意离开家庭,小伙子们不忍与情人分开。克劳多斯暴跳如雷,他传令人们不许举行婚礼,甚至连所有已订了婚的也马上要解除婚约。许多年轻人就这样告别爱人,悲愤地走向战场。年轻的姑娘们也由于失去爱侣,抑郁神伤。 瓦沦丁对暴君的虐行感到气愤。当一对情侣来到神庙请求他的帮助时,瓦沦丁在神圣的祭坛前为它们悄悄地举行了婚礼。人们一传十,十传百,很多人来到这里,在瓦沦丁的帮助下结成伴侣。 消息终于传到了暴君的耳里。他命令士兵们冲进神庙,将瓦沦丁从一对正在举行婚礼的新人身旁拖走,投入地牢。人们苦苦哀求暴君的赦免,但都徒劳而返。瓦沦丁终于在地牢里受尽折磨而死。那一天是公元270年2月14日,后人为纪念这位善良的修士,将每年的2月14日定为情人节 Qiqiao Festival the seventh day of the seventh lunar month Do we have our own Valentine’s Day in China? A Sad Love Story Useful expresions turn up keep one’s word look forward to hold one’s breath drown one’s sorrow / sadness in … fall in love set off remind sb. of sth. 信守诺言 出现;调大 期盼 屏息 坠入爱河 借…消愁 提醒某人某事 出发;动身;使爆炸 Fast reading Read the passage quickly and then answer the question How many stories are there in the passage? Careful Reading Read paragraph 3 and 4 and then fill in the chart. Introduction Zhinu, the _______ girl, the most l_____ of the daughters, visited the earth and met Niulang, the _______ boy. Development They f___ ___ _____ , married secretly and were very happy. Climax (高潮) The Goddess of Heaven got so angry that she forced Zhinu back to ________ . Niulang tried to f_________ her but was stopped by the Milky Way. Thus, the c_______ were separated. Ending The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet once a year on the ______ day of the s_______ l_______ month when magpies made a _________ of their wings. weaving herd ell in love Heaven ollow ouple seventh eventh unar bridge ovely fell in love got married The Goddess got angry forced to leave each other Cross the Milky Way to meet only once a year Well-known poem 两情若是久长时, 又岂在朝朝暮暮。 Eternal love between us two, Shall withstand the time apart. another story about Li Fang and Hu Jin on Valentine’s Day Introduction Li Fang was waiting alone at the ________ shop wi


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