必修三 M4 the magic of the mask.ppt

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必修三 M4 the magic of the mask

Guess! To experience traditional Chinese culture “the city with the most cultural heritage in the world” the Spring Festival The Palace Museum Badaling Great Wall Beijing To experience American culture “the Big Apple” “the Capital of the World” Christmas Badaling Great Wall New York City the Statue of Liberty City of Water City of Bridges Venice, Italy To experience European culture Carnival ? the Bridge of Sighs Rizhao Experimental High School Li Qianqian Module 4 The Magic of the Mask Reading and Vocabulary Match the words in the box with their meanings. 1 a situation where things do not seem well organized 2 When you feel this, your heart beats fast. 3 something you cannot explain 4 a power which doesn’t seem to be natural 5 special clothes 6 lots of people in the same place costume crowd excitement magic mystery confusion confusion excitement mystery magic costume crowd To get the main idea Read the passage quickly and check the topics it mentions. The origins of carnival The development of the original carnival in Venice The carnival in Venice today Special food of carnival Part 1 (Paras12) Part2 (Paras3,45) Part 3(Para6) Fast reading The structure/clue of the passage The origins of carnival The development of the original carnival in Venice The carnival in Venice today To get detailed information Part1 The origins of carnival Read the para1 para.2 and choose the best answer. 1. Carnival originates from______ A. South America B. North America C. Europe 2. It is celebrated_____. A. before Christmas B. between Christmas and Easter C. after Easter 3. At carnival people ________. A. don’t eat B. don’t eat meat C. eat, drink and dress up appear for the first time … as people prepared for the Christian festival of Easter Part 2 Development of the carnival in Venice Read paragraph 3 and answer the following questions. 1. What was the magic of the mask? 2. We


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