Abel Tasman Skydive Waiver 跳伞免责声明.doc

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Abel Tasman Skydive Waiver 跳伞免责声明

欢迎您来到尼尔森体验高空跳伞 Welcome to Abel Tasman Skydive ! 以下为关于跳伞过程中需要注意的安全事项,望您仔细阅读。如果有不详尽事宜,请咨询本公司相关服务人员。 Before we can start there are a couple of things we need to do to appease the political and safety police. If you need any help in translation or understanding the meaning of any of the terms just ask any of the Skydive Abel Tasman staff for help,we will be only too pleased to assist. 免责声明/安全条款 本项运动具有一定的风险性,有可能导致人身伤害甚至死亡。因此,请所有参与此项活动的参与者,自觉遵守以下安全条款,根据自身身体状况独立判断评估活动风险,以确保自身安全。 In undertaking any of the activities we have here,you need to be aware that there are some elements of risk involved. Parachute equipment even when operated correctly,packed and assembled correctly can malfunction possibly causing injury or death. 安全事项HEALTH AND SAFETY: 本公司所有人员将严格遵守规定,按规则进行各项操作以减小和避免损失和伤害。请在整个活动中按照专业人员的指示进行各项活动。如果您未满18周岁,需要由一名责任人代签,此人需确保您在整个活动中严格遵守各项规定并按照专业人员的指示进行各项活动。签字人需承担由于本人或者所代签的18周岁以内的未成年人因未依照指示而造成的所有人员(包括本公司人员及非本公司人员)人身及财产损失的责任。 The staff and management of Skydive Abel Tasman take all practicable steps to identify and minimise potential dangers. However,you must follow our instructions at all times. Adults signing on behalf of a person under the age of 18 must be aware that the underage person must follow our instructions at all times. You must indemnify Skydive Abel Tasman and our staff against any liability we incur to anyone else,resulting from your failure to follow our instructions or the failure of any person under the age of 18 to follow our instructions. 为保证您自身及他人的人身及财产安全,本公司有权取消任何可能对自身或他人造成危险的参与者的活动资格,本公司有权要求任何可能对自身或他人造成危险的参与者从莫图依卡机场或任何一架本公司飞机上撤离。 We reserve the right to withdraw any person who in our opinion is likely to endanger themselves or others. We also reserve the right to cancel your skydive or remove you from the grounds of Motueka Airport or for that matter any aircraft operated by Skydive Able Tasman if we become concerned for any reason for your safety or that of any other person. 注意WARNING:依照新西兰法律,如果您因自身原因而受到伤害,有可能无法对他人进行诉讼。同时,新西兰意外赔偿计划仅对受伤的游客提供十分有限


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