北师大版高二下册《unit environmental protection》ppt英语课件之一.ppt

北师大版高二下册《unit environmental protection》ppt英语课件之一.ppt

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北师大版高二下册《unit environmental protection》ppt英语课件之一

[拓展] 与look连用的常用短语: look after 照料;照顾 look back 回头看;回顾 look down on / upon 蔑视;看不起 look forward to盼望;期待;预期;预料 look into 观察;调查 look out 留神;注意 look through(从头至尾)浏览;详尽核查;温习 look up 向上看;查阅 [即时演练] 选词填空: 1) The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now ____ the matter. A. seeing through B. working out C. looking into D. watching over √ 2) “Goodbye, then,” she said, without even _______ from her book. A. looking down B. looking up C. looking away D. looking on 3) I have ____ all my papers but I still can’t find my notes. A. looked through B. looked for C. looked after D. looked out √ √ 4. Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth’s temperature... [用法点拨] refer to此处表示“指的是(= to mention or speak of sb or sth)”,如: Who did you refer to when you said someone was selfish? 你说有人自私,指的是谁呀? Though she didn’t mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to. 虽然她没提任何人的名字,但大家都知道她指的是谁。 [拓展] 1) refer to还常用来表示“谈到;提到;涉及到”。如: The student referred to his father three times in his composition. 该同学在作文里3次提到他父亲。 The book referred to his past experience as a teacher. 书中涉及到他以前当老师的经历。 2) refer to也有“参考;查阅”等含义。如: He referred to his notebook now and then when giving his speech. 他在发表演讲时不时翻看笔记本。 Don’t refer to the dictionary every time you come across a new word. 不要一遇到生词就查字典。 3) refer to sb / sth as意思是“称某人(某物)为……”。如: Yao Ming is often referred to by basketball fans as “the Little Giant”. 姚明常常被篮球迷们称为“小巨人”。 The man prefers to be referred to as “Doctor Lee” rather than “Mr Lee”. 该男子更喜欢人们称他“李博士”而不是“李先生”。 [即时演练] 选词填空: The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ______ his notes. A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on √ 5. Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth’s temperature that, in turn, leads to climate change. [用法点拨] 1) in turn在句中的意思是“反过来;转而(= as a result of sth)”,如: We found that Helen had told Tom, and he in turn had to


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