别隆采圆盘发动机原理(The principle of the disc engine).doc

别隆采圆盘发动机原理(The principle of the disc engine).doc

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别隆采圆盘发动机原理(The principle of the disc engine)

别隆采圆盘发动机原理(The principle of the disc engine) The principle of the disc engine In 1911, an American inventor Yin somme? WoWu thom (transliteration) has developed a umbrella plane. Wave Lu Yang thinks, the father of the umbrella plane is flying saucer later. Because the umbrella aircraft flight principle is not rely on aircraft flight speed to get lift, but by the vibration of the wing. Wave Lu Yang, according to the principle of flight is a bit as modern aircraft flight principle. In the late 1940 s, the U.S. navy made the first flying saucer, the flying saucer is a little like electric speakers, the vibration of one or a few large pieces under the action of the electromagnetic pulse MHZ frequency vibration in the air, aircraft can therefore be off the ground. Note the keyword vibration. It is conceivable that since the vibrator can provide lift to an object, why not provide thrust? It is based on this theory that the shabegel engine works. The vibrating disc placed in the cylinder, with high frequency alternating current, will vibrate vigorously under the influence of the magnetic field, generating thrust, and lifting the flying saucer. This power can lift objects up, but they cant be used very well. One of the important issues is cooling. If you think about it, the megahertz class vibrates at a very high temperature, and the vibrations are not bad. The solution to Mr Schaubergers mind is to redesign the aerodynamic shape of the vibrator, which will suck in a lot of air when it vibrates, and spray the vibrator with a spray of water to cool the engine. Which water level by MHZ ac electrolytic, mixed with air, ignited by vibrating plate heat (has studied chemistry at school knows, hydrogen gas is mixed with air ignited, bombs will come), produce a great thrust and bombs, was bang. Explosive salt berger engine, that is, to the vibrating plate vibration generate thrust, supplemented by engine electromagnet of magnetic force, combined with cooling water electrolysis comb



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