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學習《群書治要》 承擔救世使命 淨空老教授 講於 中華文化教育中心 「教育化解危機」論壇 二〇一二年八月四日 馬來西亞吉隆坡 金馬皇宮酒店 Learning Compilation of Books and Writings on the Important Governing Principles: Undertaking the Mission to Save the World Speech by Chin Kung AM Forum on Resolving Crises through Education August 4, 2012 Palace of Golden Horses, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 尊敬的丹斯里李金友先生、馬華的各位校長老師、馬來西亞中華文化教育中心各位老 師同仁、各位嘉賓: 大家好!淨空承蒙丹斯里李金友先生的邀請,有幸參加馬來西亞華校校長聚會 。另 外,我們欣喜地看到馬六甲的漢學院業已開工,預定兩年建成,將正式招生,這是廿 一世紀的第一樁大事! 納吉首相在去年漢學院的動土典禮中致辭說:「馬來西亞漢學 院的建立將有助於傳授一種教育理念,不僅是推廣卓越的學術,而且是推廣人類不可 或缺的價值觀」。 Respected Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, headmasters and teachers from Chinese schools in Malaysia, teachers from the Chung Hua Cultural Education Centre, and distinguished guests: Thanks to Tan Sri Lee Kim Yews kind invitation, I am grateful to be able to participate in this gathering with Chinese schools’ headmasters in Malaysia. On another note, I am also delighted to see that the construction of the Malaysian Academy of Han Studies has already begun. The project is expected to be completed in two years’ time, after which the academy will start recruiting students. This is indeed an extremely important event of the 21st century! Last year, during the groundbreaking ceremony of the academy, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, said in his speech: “The establishment of the Malaysian Academy of Han Studies (MAHS) will help impart an education concept that not only promotes academic excellence but also positive values that are greatly needed by mankind.” 1 淨空為馬來西亞的華人慶祝!因為馬來西亞的華人校長和老師們,將承擔起振興漢 學、救世救民的神聖使命。願以六十年學習中華傳統文化、大乘佛學、聖賢教育之心 得,向諸位仁者請教。 I congratulate the Chinese pe



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