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免费留学:ACT阅读考试小提示  据360教育集团()介绍:ACT阅读考试小贴士!360教育集团为大家整理了ACT阅读考试小贴士的详细内容,希望能为广大考生提供帮助。  1、 复合句和标点符号  1)句子或者从句要完整,要有主、谓和宾语。  On May 20, 1927, Charles Lindbergh, a 25 year old from the Midwest, embarked on a journey. Destined to become the first successful solo, non stop flight from New York to Paris.  划线部分改为“embarked on a journey destined to become the first successful solo, nonstop flight from New York to Paris. ”  … that instinct having precluded a change in territorial preference. (“that”从句,需要谓语动词,而非谓语动词 “having precluded” 不能做谓语,所以此句不完整,改为“has precluded”.)  2)一个句子不能出现两个动词(联动)。  To many, Prince Vlad was a national hero and call him Dracula reduces him to Stoker’s fictional monster. (该句子里面出现了两个动词:call 和 reduce , 所以call要改为“to call”做主语)。  3)非谓语动词的逻辑主语必须和主句的主语符合。  Horrified by trench warfare, a lasting imprint was left on the generation of Europ ean intellectuals…(过去分词逻辑主语和主句主语不一致,所以改为The horror of trench warfare left a lasting imprint…)  4)一些连接词或者介词及其短语,如however, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, despite, in spite of ,due to 的用法。  However: used when you are adding a fact or piece of information that seems surprising, or seems very different from what you have just said  Nevertheless / nonetheless: in spite of a fact you have just mentioned  Notwithstanding: (是介词,不能跟句子) in spite of  In spite of /despite: 介词或者介词短语,不能跟句子,表示“尽管如此”。  Due to: 由于。  5) 关于标点符号。  A. 逗号不能连接两个句子;英语从句连接必须有连接词。  B. 连接词使用,如“although, when”等,要断句, 要用逗号, 即两个从句之间需要逗号。  e.g. Although the exact cause for such journeys is impossible to determine.Scientists speculate that continental drift has pulled traditional seasonal homes far apart ….  F. No Change G.. determine-scientists H. determine; scientists J. determine,scientists (答案为J)  e.g. When soldiers deserted his army or failed to meet his military standards received the same treatment. (后半句应改为:standards, they received the same treatment. )  e.g. Before Mary could reach the teacher she saw the woman offer the bird part of bagel. (划线部分需要在“teacher”和“


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