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Beijing was awarded the hosting rights to the 2022 Winter Olympics on Friday, setting up the Chinese capital to become the first city to stage both the Summer and Winter Games.周五,中国首都北京获得了2022年冬季奥运会的主办权,它将成为世界上首个同时举办过夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。Members of the International Olympic Committee, which is holding its annual congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, this week, voted in favor of Beijing, which hosted the Summer Olympics in 2008, over its lone competitor, Almaty, Kazakhstan. The vote was 44 to 40, a margin that was far smaller than many observers had predicted given the familiarity of Chinese organizers with voters and the relative anonymity of Almaty in the sporting community.本周正在吉隆坡举办年度全体会议的国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee,简称IOC)成员进行了最后投票,曾在2008年举办夏季奥运会的北京以44:40的微弱优势战胜了唯一的对手——哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图。这一差距远远小于此前许多观察人士的预计,考虑到IOC成员对中国主办方的熟悉程度,而阿拉木图不太为人所知。While many nations, including the United States, have hosted both the Summer and Winter Games, no single city had been able to persuade I.O.C. voters that it had the requisite infrastructure, financial resources and climate necessary to pull off such a double.虽然包括美国在内的很多国家都同时举办过夏季和冬季奥运会,但没有哪个城市曾说服IOC投票者相信,它拥有举办这两种赛事必不可少的基础设施、财力资源和气候条件。中国张家口,当地民众在广场上排练庆祝北京赢得申奥的舞蹈。Jason Lee/Reuters中国张家口,当地民众在广场上排练庆祝北京赢得申奥的舞蹈。Beijing, it should be noted, did not necessarily do that, either, but it won over the delegates with an elaborate plan that uses some well-known venues from the Summer Games, including the Bird’s Nest stadium and the Water Cube arena, in addition to relying on an elaborate artificial snow-making operation to account for the fact that its surrounding region has few mountains and, generally, fewer inches of actual snow.需要指出的是,北京也未必具备所有这些条件,但它以一份周密的计划书赢得了代表们的信任。这份计划书显示,除了依靠人工造雪来解决北京周边地区山脉少且降雪相对匮乏这样一个现实问题,他们将重复利用北京夏季奥运会的一些知名场馆,包括鸟巢和水立方。Nonetheless, Beijing has presented the 2022 Games as a catalyst to help develop the mostly dormant interest in winter sports among the 300 million people in northern China. China has already created a special


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