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Trust us, her complexity is always worth it. Captivating, passionate, opinionated and unapologetically layered, the emotionally complex woman is a mixture of emotions shes able to express deeply, sincerely and often. This doesnt mean shes high drama, loud or running low in self-control, it simply means shes a thinker, and even when quiet, those still waters run deep. While not for every man, shes downright magnetic to the thinkers and feelers who appreciate witty banter, theoretical conversations, sensitive gestures and thoughtful debates. And here are 10 sound reasons to date her: 相信我们,她的丰富总是值得的。有着迷人、热情、独断、肆意的多面性,情感丰富的女人能时常深深地真心表现出一些混合的感情。这并不意味着她戏剧性、吵闹或是控制力很低,它只说明她是个思想者,即使在安静的时候,也仍然大智若愚。虽然不能吸引所有人,但她对欣赏诙谐、理论性的对话、敏感的手势、深思熟虑的辩论的思想家和感受家们有着很大的吸引力。这里有10条理由充分说明为什么你应该和她约会。10.Shes not only interesting, shes interested.... 10.她不仅仅是有趣,她还不仅仅感兴趣于…And in a hell of a lot more than what kind of car you drive, where you vacation and how much your salary-plus-bonus equates to. She will want to know why you choose to do what you do with your life, if it makes you happy and what other interests you have aside from it. Shes happy to share information about herself, but she gets joy in hearing what others think and feel and what motivates them. This is how she connects with those around her. 不仅感兴趣于你开什么样的车、你的薪水加奖金是多少。她会想知道你为什么要选择去做什么样的事来度过生活,想知道那是否让你开心、还有你除此之外有什么别的爱好。她乐意分享她的信息,但她也喜欢听别人讲他们的想法和感受,以及什么能激励他们。这是她将周围与自己联系起来的方式。9.Shes no bore. 9.她不乏味The emotionally complex woman is alive. Whether shes sipping champagne, biting into a new cuisine, in a fit of passion in the bedroom or enthusiastically sharing the joys of her day (or reacting to yours), this is a woman whos big on enjoying each and every experience mind, body and soul. 情感丰富的女人是生动的。不管是在喝香槟、尝试新的美食、卧室激情中还是在热情的向你分享她的一天(或者是在回应你的一天)时,这都是一个享受每一次由身到心的体验的女人。8.Shes ruled by her passions: 8.她被激情所左右Whether shes going after a goal, fighting for a cause, indulging a hobby or falling in love, she engages her desire with full attention and belie



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