ISO22000 在保健品维生素 C 片生产中的应用.PDF

ISO22000 在保健品维生素 C 片生产中的应用.PDF

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ISO22000 在保健品维生素 C 片生产中的应用

8 6 Vol. 8 No. 6 2017 6 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Jun. , 2017 ISO22000 C * * 冯 波 , 陈 强 (, 519040) 摘 要: 目的 C ISO22000 , C 方法 ISO22000 , (hazard analysis critical control point, HACCP), C , , 5 , 结果 2 (critical control point, CCP), (operational prerequisite program, OPRP)HACCP , C , ISO22000 结论 , HACCP , , , , 关键词: C ; ISO22000; ; ; Application of ISO22000 in the production of vitamin C tablets for health care products * * FENG Bo , CHEN Qiang (By-Health Co. , Ltd., Zhuhai 519040, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To apply ISO22000 food safety management system in the production of vitamin C tablets for health care products, and to prevent and control the potential hazards in the production, processing, storage and transportation of vitamin C tablets for health care products. Methods According to the ISO22000 food safety management system standard and hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) quality management principles, t


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