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2007 12 D ec. 2007
2 8 6 Journal of C apitalM ed ical U niversity V o l. 28 N o. 6
徐爱凤 张 琛 侯本祥
! 3 30 , 3
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! R 78 1. 05
Comparison of Cleaning Efficacy of 3 D ifferentRoot Canal IrrigatingM ethods:
A Scanning ElectronicM icroscopic Study
Xu A ifeng, Zhang Chen, H ou B enx iang
(D ep artm ent of E ndodont ics, B e ij ing S tom atolog icalH osp ital, Cap italM ed ical Un iv ersity
ABSTRACT! O jective T o eva luate the clean ing e ff icacy o f 3 d iffe rent root cana l irr iga ting m ethods w ith scann ing e lectronic
m icroscopy ( SEM . M ethods Th irty ex tracted perm anent teeth w ith sing le stra ight roo t cana ls w ere random ly d iv ided into 3 group s. A ll
the root canals w ere conventiona lly accessed, pulp removed and instrum ented w ith crow n dow n instrum enting technique u sing P ro taper
N iT i f iles( D ensply, USA and N aOC l( 5. 25% , 1 mL w as u sed to flush the cana ls be fo re further instrum entation. T he fina l step w as
done w ith 3 d ifferent canal c leaning m ethods. G roup A: U ltrason ic irr igation by plac ing the ultrason ic file o f the ultrason ic dev ice for roo t
canal therapy( O dontoson2M, D enm ark at the junc tion o f pointm iddle th ird and apica l th ird o f the cana l, take ca re to keep the f ile from
touching the cana lw a ll. G roup B: Conventional syr inge irrigation by p lac ing the injector at the junction o f the m iddle th ird and apical
third, keep aw ay from the cana lw a ll,