getAbstract - pressed knowledge(getAbstract压缩的知识).pdf

getAbstract - pressed knowledge(getAbstract压缩的知识).pdf

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getAbstract - pressed knowledge(getAbstract压缩的知识)

The Snowball Warren Buffett and the Business of Life by Alice Schroeder Bloomsbury © 2008 976 pages Focus Take-Aways Leadership Management • As a boy, Warren Buffett dedicated himself to becoming rich. Strategy Sales Marketing • Now he has more money than anyone else on earth. Finance • Buffett earned his fortune by being superb at determining a company’s long-term Human Resources value and earnings potential, his primary investment criteria. IT, Production Logistics Career Development • Buffett never lets the ups and downs of the stock market infl uence his investments. Small Business • He is always suspicious of stock booms and seldom surprised by stock busts. Economics Politics Industries • Buffett carefully looks for undervalued companies. Intercultural Management Concepts Trends • He avoids Wall Street, much preferring to operate from Omaha, Nebraska. • Buffett set up his business affairs to operate with a tight center staff. This policy eases his mind about his responsibility to investors. • Buffett is a complex man with simple taste, a conventional man who has led an unconventional life. • Buffett plans to give the bulk of his massive fortune to charity. Rating (10 is best) Overall Importance Innovation Style 10



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