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* 唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 51. How to sell a house in good price during the declining housing market? ? 51. 如何在房價下跌中賣到好價錢的賣屋技巧? Precious advises to success - 16 secret codes 導向成功的金玉良言 成功秘碼 16 條 How to get rich? Let’s see what rich dads and moms will tell us. 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page During the declining housing market, the seller needs not to be scared by the buyer’s over counter-offer. Remember, the most important point is to get the house off your hands as soon as possible. To lose less money means to protect you principal. 「在房價下跌中,賣主不要怕買方殺價,能把房子早日脫手最重要,少賠錢就是保住本錢。」 When the housing market is sluggish, it is easier to sell a house that has been fixed up and refurbished. 「在低迷的房市中,只有經過整理過的房子,才容易賣的掉。」 ? When the housing prices are rising, even the shabby and run - down house could be sold easily. However, the run – down house is not easy to sell during the declining housing market. 「如果房價在上升的趨勢中,就是較破爛的房子也可輕易的被賣掉。但在房價下跌的趨勢中,未經整修的破爛屋是不易賣掉的。」 Before the house is going on the housing market, the seller has to hire a house inspector to make a overall check-up and issue a report in detail. According to the report, the house owner has to have all the defects of the house to be improved, such as repairing, fixing up, painting, making up and beautifying. Then let it go on the market for sale. That is a comparatively smart way to sell a house. 「賣主能在房子上市之前,先找一位房屋檢查專家,做一個房屋檢查,屋主再按檢查報告中的缺點予以改進,先把房子修理好 、整理好、油漆好、化妝好、打扮好之後,再推出市場求售是比較聰明的做法。」 If the original home owner is reluctant to spend some money for repairing and refurbishing a house (or a house without a license), he is sure to be the loser at last. 「不肯花錢整修房子 或 無合法建築執照的房子,最後吃虧的一定是原來的屋主」。 ? When the housing prices are declining, it is natural to think that the buyer’s low counter-bid is to take advantages of the seller. As a matter of fact, the buyer is somehow helping the seller resolve his difficulty. In some way, the buyer is the life saver of the seller. 「在房價下跌中,不要以為買主殺價是佔了賣主的好處,其實賣主是在買主幫助下,才解決了賣主的


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