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背面刻蚀对单晶硅太阳电池性能影响的研究 - 电子器件
第34 卷 第2期 电 子 器 件 Vol.34摇 No.2
2011年4 月 ChineseJournal of Electron Devices Apr.2011
Study of the Influence of Back Side Etching on the Performance of
Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells*
1 1 2 1 1 1
YANGChao ,SHENHonglie ,WUJingbo ,CHENGHaili ,JIANGFen ,LI Bingbing
( 1.College of Materials Science Technology,Nanjing University of Aeronautics andAstronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;)
2.Nanjing Shiningsun Technology Development Co. ,Ltd,Nanjing 211300,China
Abstract:To reduce the carrier recombination on the rear side of solar cells,this article carried out the ion beam
etching on the rear side of single鄄side diffused and double鄄side diffused silicon wafers after depositing SiN anti鄄x
reflection coating.The influence of etching time on the performance of solar cellswasinvestigated.The performance
of solar cellswasmeasuredby a standard solar cell tester.Theresultsshowedthat the shunt resistance,open circuit
voltage,fill factor and efficiency of the solar cellswere improved after the ion beam etching on the rear side,while
thechangesof seriesresistanceandshort鄄circuitcurrentwerenotobvious.Thesiliconwafersusedinthisexperiment
were class 域.After the silicon wafers were etched,the maximum efficiency of solar cells by single鄄side diffusion
reached 15. 99%,with an increase of 0. 69% than that from solar cells without etching,while the maximum
efficiency of solar cells by double鄄side diffusion reached 16.4% with an increase of 0.68% than that from solar
cellswithout etching.
Key words:solar cells;ion beam etching;open circuit voltage;fill factor;efficiency
EEACC:8420摇 摇 摇 摇 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9490.2011.02.002
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