有机物料影响下土壤溶液中镉形态及其有效性研究 - 环境科学学报.pdf

有机物料影响下土壤溶液中镉形态及其有效性研究 - 环境科学学报.pdf

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有机物料影响下土壤溶液中镉形态及其有效性研究 - 环境科学学报

20 5 V ol. 20, No. 5 2000 9 ACTA SCIENT IAE CIRCUM STANT IAE Sep. , 2000 : 2000 : X131. 3 : A 王 果, 李建超, 杨佩玉, 高树芳, 方 玲 (, 350002) : , . , , . 34% - 77% , 87% . . DOC pH . , . DOC . , , . , , . : ; ; ; Study on the speci es in soil solutions and the availability of cadmium as af fected by organic materials WANG Guo, LI ianchao, YANG Peiyu, GAO Shufang, FAN G Ling ( Fujian Agricultural University Dept. of Land Environmental Sci, Fuzzhou 350002) Abstract: T he influence of tw o organic materials, pig manure and peat, on total w ater soluble Cd( W SCd) , easily labile Cd( El- Cd) and labile Cd( L- Cd) as w ell as th eir availability was studied under rice cultivation in pots. In the tillering stage, the concentration of WS- Cd w as decreased strongly by pig manure but slightly by peat .T he ratios of ElCd to WSCd( B/ A) and LCd to WSCd( C/A) were 0. 34- 0. 77 and 0. 87, respectively. The water soluble Cd w as dissociated more easily by the tw o resins in mature stage than in tillering stage. Th e concentration of WSCd among the treatments increased w ith the decrease of DOC and pH of the solutions in the tw o stages. T he Cd uptake by the root w as promoted by pig m anure w ith no Cd added into the soils. When Cd was added, how ever, the absorption of Cdby the root w as inhibited by the organic materials, and had significantly positive correlation w ith the three species of Cd in the tillering stage. Keywords:Organic materials; Cadmium; species; soil . , , [ 1 3] [ 4 6] ; pH E h , ; , . , : . ,



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