灭弧防雷装置对电弧发展抑制的研究 - 电网技术.pdf

灭弧防雷装置对电弧发展抑制的研究 - 电网技术.pdf

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灭弧防雷装置对电弧发展抑制的研究 - 电网技术

37 卷 6 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 37 No. 6 20 13 年6 月 Power System Technology Jun. 2013 文章编号:1000-3673 (2013 )06-1614-05 中图分类号:TM 835.4 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470 4034 灭弧防雷装置对电弧发展抑制的研究 王巨丰,闫仁宝,李世民,吴焰龙 (广西大学电气工程学院,广西壮族自治区 南宁市 530004 ) Research on Suppressing Arc Development by Air-Blast Arc-Quenching Device WANG Jufeng, YAN Renbao, LI Shimin, WU Yanlong (School of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China) ABSTRACT: When transmission line is lightning-stricken or 态电弧 power frequency flashover of insulator strings occurs, adopting 0 引言 air-blast arc quenching device the insulators can be effectively saved from cauterization caused by power frequency arc, and 在当今电网,由雷电引起的事故在现代电力系 after the device struck down by impulse flashover the transient 统的跳闸停电事故中占很大的比例,雷电是给电力 arc can be quickly broken by air-blast arc-quenching device. 系统带来威胁的重要因素之一,特别是输电线路遭 The working principle of air-blast arc quenching device is as following: the device can produce j et-stream instantly and the 受雷击而引起的停电事故最多。输电线路担负着传 arc will be extinguished in its initial phase, thus the arc is 输电量的重要任务,多处于野外,线路不仅 而且 suppressed thoroughly, in other word, the air-blast extinguishes 面积大,因而线路雷击事故在电力系统总的雷害事 the arc when the value of transient arc current is a few amperes [1-6] 故中占有较大的比例 。 or dozens of amperes, and the ideal situation is that there is not 雷击过电压作用时间很短,导线对地(避雷线或 existence of the arc at all. The earlier the j et-stream acts on the 杆塔)发生闪络以后,工频电压会沿着闪络通道继续 arc, the better the arc extinguishin


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