【网页特效代码-页面特效】在左上侧固定的导航条,而且有导航说明,是非常酷的效果([page special effects code - page effects] in the left upper side of the fixed navigation bar, and navigation instructions, is a very cool effect).doc

【网页特效代码-页面特效】在左上侧固定的导航条,而且有导航说明,是非常酷的效果([page special effects code - page effects] in the left upper side of the fixed navigation bar, and navigation instructions, is a very cool effect).doc

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【网页特效代码-页面特效】在左上侧固定的导航条,而且有导航说明,是非常酷的效果([page special effects code - page effects] in the left upper side of the fixed navigation bar, and navigation instructions, is a very cool effect) ?脚本语言 !—— 功能mm_swapimgrestore() { // V3.0 var i,x,= document.mm_sr;为(i = 0;一个和我有a.length (x =一个[我])和x.osrc;i++)x.src = x.osrc; } 功能mm_preloadimages() { // V3.0 var a文件;如果(d.images){ if(!d.mm_p)d.mm_p =新array(); var i,j = d.mm_p。长度,a mm_preloadimages.arguments;为(i = 0;i a.length;i++) 如果(一个[我]。indexOf(“#”)!= 0){ d.mm_p [ J ] =新形象;d.mm_p [ J ] + +。SRC =一个[我];} } } 功能mm_findobj(n,d){ // V3.0 var,i,x;如果(!D)a文件;如果((P = n.indexof(“?”)) 0和父帧长度。 a的父母。帧[ n.substring(P + 1)]。文件;n = n.substring(0,p);} 如果(!(X = D [ ]) D.all)x = D.all [N];为(i = 0;!X和我 d.forms。长度;i++)x = d.forms [我]的[ ]; 为(i = 0);!X和d.layers 我 d.layers。长度;i++)x = mm_findobj(n,d.layers [我]。文件);返回x; } 功能mm_swapimage() { // V3.0 var i,j = 0,x = mm_swapimage.arguments;文档。mm_sr =新的阵列;为(i = 0;i (a.length-2);我+ = 3) 如果((x = mm_findobj(一个[我]))!= null){文件。mm_sr [ J ] = X + +;如果(! x.osrc) x.osrc = x.src; x.src = a [i + 1];} } function mm _ showhidelayers () {/ / v3.0 var i, p, v, obj, args = mm _ showhidelayers.arguments; for (i = 0; i (args.length-2); + = 3) if (obj = mm _ findobj (args [i])). {v = = null) args [+ 2]. if (obj.style) {obj = obj.style; v = (v = = show). visible: (v = yes)? hidden: v;} obj.visibility = v;} } function mm _ openbrwindow (theurl, winname, features) {/ / v2.0 window.open (theurl, winname, features). } / / - script / div class = tab2 id = floaters style = z - index: 1. left: 2px; width: 43px; position: absolute; top: 4px; height: 277px img height = 290 src = photo / menu0128.gif width = 42 usemap = # map2 border = 0 div id = layer1 style = z - index: 2; left: 47px; visibility: hidden; width: 108px; position: top: 9px; absolute; 身高:67px” 表高度=“100%”的单元格间距= 0 = 990000 = 4 # cellpadding单元格的暗边框颜色 width=“100%”背景颜色= # ffffff颜色亮= 990000 = 1 #边境 tbody /tr td 薔蛜Z嗊B皊瀃剉T蛓鴙SQD崘N / / TD TR tbody /表/ / D



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