新买的诺基亚手机如何鉴别真伪(How to identify the authenticity of the new NOKIA phone).doc

新买的诺基亚手机如何鉴别真伪(How to identify the authenticity of the new NOKIA phone).doc

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新买的诺基亚手机如何鉴别真伪(How to identify the authenticity of the new NOKIA phone) Colleagues in the online new bought a NOKIA 5800XM, ask me how to distinguish between true and false, although I am not mobile phone repair master, also did not do a NOKIA mobile phone sales, You also know a few query commands for fans NOKIA in Guangdong. AP and *#06#: display IMEI code AP two, *#0000#: software version The brand (some models if does not work, according to the *# code such as #, *#6110#) Which was the first version of the software; Which was second for the software release date; Confirm transfer Which was third - type mobile phone AP three, *: display the serial number and IMEI code, with a scrolling menu Which was the first screen - mobile phone factory time: 1197 (every month); Which was the second screen - serial number and IMEI; Which was the third screen - buy time: 1197 (every month) can change a The brand (but by input can not be changed, the date will be permanently recorded) Which was the fourth screen - last repair time: 0000 (every month) maintenance set. Which was the fifth screen - user data transmission: exit off the phone, and then return. Which was if the above does not work properly, and the phone requires you to enter a valid code, can try: AP 1).6232 (OK): display manufacturing month and year AP 2).7832 (OK): display mobile phone to buy time for the month and year AP 3).7332 (OK): recent maintenance time: 0000 months and years (every month) maintenance set AP 4).9268 (OK): display serial number AP 5).37832 (OK): set the time to buy monthly and annual (warning: only allow a) AP 6).87267 (OK): confirmation of transmission, and software updates Which was four, the rate of encoding Which was *3370# or *efr#: open (EFR) full rate encoding Which was #3370# or #efr#: closed full rate encoding AP (open speed enhanced encoding mode, can improve the quality of speech but will power) Which was *4720# or *hra0# (HR): open half rate encoding Which was #4720# or



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