【常用qq技巧大全】([commonly used QQ skills Daquan]).doc

【常用qq技巧大全】([commonly used QQ skills Daquan]).doc

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【常用qq技巧大全】([commonly used QQ skills Daquan]) Its easy to spend enough money to make space for your idol! Just go to my room and see! In the short run, Ill give you some tips! Its a friends way 1. tips to reduce QQ memory resources After landing QQ, take up memory: about 8M QQ offline memory usage: about 10M Tips: after landing QQ, just open a good dialogue window, minimize it, QQ memory is 3M, which is particularly useful for small memory friend!! 2.QQ custom avatar upload higher success rate method (1) cut the image into 40*40, and the big picture is so big (2) convert the image into bmp format (3) after satisfying the above conditions, I havent shown any hint of uploading failure, and every time I succeed (4) to avoid the peak period of the network, as long as the pass up is no problem. You can change it at any time 3. regular QQ clone buddy First we will first as long as their original number and new landing again, then found in the folder named after the old No. user.db database file, copy. To the new folder, paste overwrite the original file. Then you will find a new landing, wow ~ ~ friends in, not all is forever not on the line, oh. Never mind, next is our most crucial step, open a manager (do not say that I do not know where you want to add the selected oh), in the friends list remember, according to the CTRL to choose ah, selected, just select the friends the stranger pulled a column, someone asked me how to delete ah, dont worry, slowly, determine are selected in the dialog box out ah, so that to delete, and then to the stranger column, select your friends like just like ^_^ I pull, pull to the friends list. Kazakhstan Ha, this time I want to jump out of a lot of dialog boxes that ask my friend to confirm, and Im done! ~ ~ slow down, though its a little troublesome, but this is the simplest 4. free access to QQ advanced group Landing / landing on your QQ will appear in a box and then your group! And then experience the senior group! There is one point to d



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