形势与政策看看(Look at the situation and policy).doc

形势与政策看看(Look at the situation and policy).doc

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形势与政策看看(Look at the situation and policy) The Analects of Confucius (1.) is a collection of quotations written in the pre Qin period in China. It mainly records the deeds of Confucius and his disciples. It is compiled by Confuciuss disciples and disciples of disciples. The book is composed of twenty chapters. The four hundred and ninety-two chapter Confucius: Naduni, is the name of Confucius, a great thinker and educator in our country; the founder of the Confucian School of thought, the core is benevolence. Advocate benevolence. G has complex ceremony. In terms of education advocated in education, individualized. 2. Zhao Wei Qi later asked to make from the war policy / strategy. Qi is a dialogic argumentation. Warring States is a compilation of historical materials in the Warring States period. For a country as unofficial history is prose. Han Dynasty Liu Xiang finishing. Compiling ZhanGuoCe records of the Warring States period adviser Ce Shiyou said each of the countries or comments and actions. With fables and metaphors to illustrate abstract reasoning. I 3. for our country from Mencius / lianghuiwang , is a dialogue of argumentation. Mencius: Ke, is the main representative of the Confucian school after Confucius claims Shi Renzheng, for king, advocate people are expensive, followed by state, king of light of the thought of the people. Mencius prose use argumentation techniques, citing at large the better to apprehend him, if the use of metaphor, emotional and energetic style. From the Chuang-tzu / 4. autumn autumn. This is a way to expand dialogue reasoning argumentation. Chuang-tzu: a week, is the main representative of Taoism. Lao Tzu should conform to the nature, advocates doing nothing. A fierce critic of theft are hanged, kleptocrat princes, dukes of the door, the dark reality and righteousness. Yan Chuang-tzus article freely, rich imagination, rhetoric magnificent, and the allegorical. Romantic. 5. Jian Zhuke book is Li Sis masterpiece, contained in Shiji



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