【写给犹豫在考研边缘的你】(在网上看的一位学长的考研经历,给大家分享一下! )([to hesitate in the edge of the entrance exam] you (on the Internet to see a senior graduate entrance examination experience, to share!)).doc

【写给犹豫在考研边缘的你】(在网上看的一位学长的考研经历,给大家分享一下! )([to hesitate in the edge of the entrance exam] you (on the Internet to see a senior graduate entrance examination experience, to share!)).doc

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【写给犹豫在考研边缘的你】(在网上看的一位学长的考研经历,给大家分享一下! )([to hesitate in the edge of the entrance exam] you (on the Internet to see a senior graduate entrance examination experience, to share!)) [to hesitate in the edge of the entrance exam] you (on the Internet to see a senior graduate entrance examination experience, to share!) 1, there is only one principle about choosing an entrance examination. Choose what you love and love what you choose. First, dont consider the difficulty of entering the school, the fierce competition and so on...... No one can be sure you can Black Decker% on which the school examination to the end, you will find, North and X (local university own most confident) and there is no substantive difference, have the same input as pay, as hard, so, if there is no enthusiasm and interest. It is very difficult to go. There is a dream has been a long time, in order to run to it and strive, so, again hard days will be sweet. 2, on the tutor, find or not, this is a problem. On the question of finding a tutor, one thousand answers online. Please treat the specific situation differently. Generally speaking, you dont have to look for it during the first test. If it doesnt have a hard relationship, its no use looking for it. I cant find it across schools or regions. Of course, if you are a student of the school, the relationship with the mentor is good, or you can have some small doorways, or you apply for school, the wind is not good, there are history of cram school, youd better look for. However, please rest assured that these are very few, and most schools are basically just. Moreover, the higher the transparency of the school, if you have nothing to do, do not panic, do a good job of the thing to do on the line. Our professional re examination time, no one contacted the instructor in advance (this school student also only know the teacher only), I myself did not even call, and still very pleased, now gradually mature graduate examination system. 3, about English, i



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