表面活性剂对pvc增塑糊稳定性能的影响及机理探讨(Effect of surfactant on the stability of PVC paste and its mechanism).doc

表面活性剂对pvc增塑糊稳定性能的影响及机理探讨(Effect of surfactant on the stability of PVC paste and its mechanism).doc

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表面活性剂对pvc增塑糊稳定性能的影响及机理探讨(Effect of surfactant on the stability of PVC paste and its mechanism) Effect of surfactant on the stability of PVC paste and its mechanism * Xu Guomin, Ji Yubi, Zhang Minmin, Hu Zhi, Tan Hong (National Engineering Research Center for composite modified polymer materials, Guizhou, Guiyang 550014, China) Abstract: the effect of surfactant type and amount on viscosity stability of PVC plasticized paste was studied, and the stability mechanism of paste was discussed. The result shows: Twain Surfactant modified PVC paste initial viscosity maximum, 350 nm silicone oil of polyoxyethylene surfactants modified plastipaste initial viscosity minimum, which 350. The silicone modified plastisol viscosity stability. With the increase of surfactant dosage, the initial viscosity of plasticized paste is smaller, but the stability and There is no simple linear relationship between the amount of surfactant used. For the presence of surfactant, the PVC paste mainly follows the steric stabilization mechanism and vacancy Flocculation mechanism. Keywords: surfactant; polyvinyl chloride; plasticized paste; viscosity; stability CLC number: TQ325. 12, document identification code: A, article number: 1001-9456 (2010) 03-0054-03 Influence, of, Surfactant, on, Stability, ofPVC, Plastisol, and,, Exploration, ofRelatedM, echanism XU, Guo-min, JIYu-b, I, ZHANGMin-min, HU, Zh, I, TANHong (NationalEngineeringResearch, Center, forCompounding, andModification, ofPolymermaterials, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550014, China) Abstract:The, influence, of, surfactant, on, stability, ofPVC, plastisolwas, studied, and,, the, relatedmechanism, was, discussed. The results indicated that the plastisolmodified with Tween surfactant showed the highest viscosity silicon oil took the, 350. Second place, the plastisolmodified with polyethylenes surfactant showed the lowest viscosity, the plastisolmodified with 350. Silicon, oil, showed, the, best, stability., plastisol, showed, lower, viscosity, as, th


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