Advanced compressionignition (先进的压缩点火).pdf

Advanced compressionignition (先进的压缩点火).pdf

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Advanced compressionignition (先进的压缩点火)

Available online at Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2727–2742 /locate/proci Advanced compression-ignition engines—understanding the in-cylinder processes John E. Dec * Sandia National Laboratories, MS 9053, P.O. Box 969, Livermore, CA 94551-0969, USA Abstract Advanced compression-ignition (CI) engines can deliver both high efficiencies and very low NOX and particulate (PM) emissions. Efficiencies are comparable to conventional diesel engines, but unlike conven- tional diesel engines, the charge is highly dilute and premixed (or partially premixed) to achieve low emis- sions. Dilution is accomplished by operating either lean or with large amounts of EGR. The development of these advanced CI engines has evolved mainly along two lines. First, for fuels other than diesel, a com- bustion process commonly known as homogeneous charge compression-ignition (HCCI) is generally used, in which the charge is premixed before being compression ignited. Although termed ‘‘homogeneous,” there are always some thermal or mixture inhomogeneities in real HCCI engines, and it is sometimes desirable to introduce additional stratification. Second, for diesel fuel (which autoignites easily but has low volatility) an alternative low-temperature combustion (LTC) approach is used, in which the



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