AS9102 First Article Inspection Power Distribution(AS9102第一篇文章检验配电).pdf

AS9102 First Article Inspection Power Distribution(AS9102第一篇文章检验配电).pdf

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AS9102 First Article Inspection Power Distribution(AS9102第一篇文章检验配电)

1 AS9102 First Article Inspection Many organizations in the aerospace and defense industry require a First Article Inspection Report (FAIR) . The purpose of the First Article Inspection is to provide objective evidence that all engineering design and specification requirements are properly understood, accounted for, verified, and documented. The AS9102A Standard establishes documentation requirements for the First Article Inspection (FAI). The purpose of this standard is to provide a consistent documentation requirement for aerospace components First Article Inspection. Some customers also flowed down the AS9102A requirements to non-aerospace parts as well. It is intended that the documentation generated on the first article inspection will be a quality record of the supplier and the customer for review of accountability and planning, for performing periodic surveillance and audits to verify conformance, for evaluating root cause and corrective action for any non-conformances, and for problem investigations. Hence, the completeness and accuracy of the record is critical. Hints for completing the AS9102A form: Please note these hints are intended as supplemental information to the guidelines published in the AS9102 Standard. This tip sheet should be used in conjunction with the Standard. Since not all parts have the same attributes and characteristics, the hints contained herein are general in nature. The requirements cited in the Standard and/or Protection Technology Group always takes precedent. Some of the requirements are flowed down from our customers, so it is not uncommon to have similar parts with slightly different requirements on the FAIR. The AS9102A First Article Inspection Report comprises of three forms . Use all three forms to document the results of the


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