AND FILTER DESIGN Iet Labs(和过滤设计,专业实验室).pdf

AND FILTER DESIGN Iet Labs(和过滤设计,专业实验室).pdf

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AND FILTER DESIGN Iet Labs(和过滤设计,专业实验室)

RECTIFIER, TRANSFORMER AND FILTER DESIGN BY G.8. MCCOUCH P.K.MCELROY I. INTRODUCTION. current inmsh (surgecurrent) when the power is first supplied Most power supplies for use in electronic instruments to the rectiBer, that is, with a compIeteIy discharged first transform the incoming line voltage to a suitable value, filter capacitor. Thisproblem never arose with a vacuum rectify it, and filter the resuItant dc in a straightforward tube with a heated cathode; even the time to bring a direct- and thoroughly calculabIe manner. Calculations should heated fiIarnent up to temperature would control the inrush. be performed not merely to minimize trial and esror i n Selenium and silicon rectifiers, on the ocher hand, are in- securing the desired output but primarily to ensure a n stantaneously in fulI operating condition, and hence are economical and reliable design in which each element current limited only by the source impedance, unless added Operates within its ratings. This design procedure, used resistance (RC ,see Figure 1)is employed. Tuttle, who has in conjunction with ESPD-TR, RON-CORED COIL WINDINGS, studied these rectifiers exhaustively, says that i f the effec- and applicable specifications on capacitors and rectifiers, tive or rms current through the rectifier is limited to 2.5 permits rigorous de


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