Aluminum GMAW Welding Guide Igor Chudov(铝熔化极气体保护焊焊接指导,Igor Chudov).pdf

Aluminum GMAW Welding Guide Igor Chudov(铝熔化极气体保护焊焊接指导,Igor Chudov).pdf

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Aluminum GMAW Welding Guide Igor Chudov(铝熔化极气体保护焊焊接指导,Igor Chudov)

Aluminum GMAW Welding Guide Gas Metal Arc Welding for Aluminum AAbboouutt TThhee LLiinnccoollnn LLiinnccoollnn’’ss SSuuppeerr GGllaazzee®® TTeecchhnnoollooggyy EElleeccttrriicc CCoommppaannyy®® Lincoln Electric® is the world’s leading For superior welding performance, turn to Super Glaze® aluminum MIG wire from Lincoln Electric®. Super Glaze® prevents the problems manufacturer of welding equipment and usually associated with aluminum wire feeding such as birdnesting, consumables. Our focus is on helping tangling and burnback to provide a stable arc, great feedability and exceptional control –– every time you weld! The keys are Super companies make their welding Glaze’s smooth surface finish and consistent chemical composition. operations more effective, more What this means for you is quality wire that produces a quality weld. efficient, more profitable. Let Us Put Our Experience to Work for You We are dedicated to two equally As a major supplier of welding wire, Lincoln Electric® is the leader in MIG wire manufacturing technology. We carry that same technology important goals: exceptional quality and and expertise to our aluminum MIG wire manufacturing. Our fully exceptional service. Our field support integrated aluminum MIG wire facility uses state-of-the-art equipment to produce a complete range of aluminum alloys including 1100, 4043 team –– with hundreds of field sales 4047, 5183, 5356, 5554 and 5556. engineers and thousands of knowledgeable and responsive Lincoln®


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