Astronomy 101 Basic Astronomy Texas AM (天文学101基本天文德州农工大学).pdf

Astronomy 101 Basic Astronomy Texas AM (天文学101基本天文德州农工大学).pdf

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Astronomy 101 Basic Astronomy Instructor: Dr. Kevin Krisciunas th Textbook = The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7 ed., by Bennett and coauthors. Supplementary reading = A Guide to Wider Horizons , 2nd edition, by Krisciunas. I will offer extra credit for any typos you find! Three copies will be on reserve at the 4th floor of the Evans Library annex. Note the TAMU class website: /krisciunas/astr101_fall16.html and the website associated with our book: This fall the course ID’s are: krisciunas37276 (for section 502) krisciunas40472 (for section 504) Over the past 20 semesters here at Texas AM about half of my students have earned an A or B in ASTR 101 or 111. What’s the nominal grading scale? Approximately , 80-100 = A, 70-80 = B, 60-70 = C, 50-60 = D. How to maximize your grade in this class: Read the chapters ahead of time. Come to class. If you hear my spin on some topic, then you might more easily recognize the phraseology on a test. Study online quiz questions at the Mastering Astronomy website. Why are you here (in this class, or at this university)? Possible reasons: 1)  To garner points and a grade 2)  Because you’re interested in astronomy 3)  Because learning makes life more fulfilling 4)  To figure out what you really want to do in life In medieval universities students began with the trivium, which consisted of grammar, logic (also known as dialectic), and rhetoric. The quadrivium was considered preparatory work for philosophy and theology. It consisted of arithmetic, astronomy, geometry, and music. Thus, astronomy has been an integral part of a well-rounded education for centuries. Five themes of basic astronomy: I. We are a part of the universe and thus can learn about our origins by studying the universe. II. The universe is comprehensible through scientific principles that anyone can unders


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