Atmospheric Conveyor Belts Fronts Aloft (大气传送带方面在空中).pdf

Atmospheric Conveyor Belts Fronts Aloft (大气传送带方面在空中).pdf

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Atmospheric Conveyor Belts Fronts Aloft (大气传送带方面在空中)

Atmospheric Conveyor Belts Fronts Aloft National Weather Service, Louisville, KY System-Relative Flow: Conveyor Belts • System-relative (S-R) wind analysis reveals the existence of sharply-defined boundaries, which separate air streams of vastly differing moisture contents. Air streams tend to contain relatively narrow ranges of potential temperature (θ) and wet-bulb potential temperature (θ w ) peculiar to the air stream’s origins. • S-R isentropic analyses for synoptic-scale weather systems tend to show well-defined air streams, which are identified by names – warm conveyor belt and cold conveyor belt. • Thus, a conveyor belt consists of an ensemble of air parcels having nearly the same θw (or equivalent potential temperature/θ ) value, starting from a common initial location, which e travel over synoptic-scale time periods (greater than 12 hrs). On the following slides: WCB = Warm Conveyor Belt CCB = Cold Conveyor Belt DCB = Dry Conveyor Belt TROWAL = Trough of Warm Air Aloft Conveyor Belts Associated with Cyclogenesis: Standard Model From: Dusan Djuric (1994) “Weather Analysis”, Chap. 10 Dry Conveyor Belt Cold Conveyor Belt Warm Conveyor Belt Air within the WCB rises quasi-isentropically as it flows fr


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