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 中国新药与临床杂志(Chin J N ew Drug s Clin Rem ), 2004 年12 月, 第23 卷 第 12 期 E-mail:xyy lc@shyy x   http://x  http://zg xyy ·903 · C injection in sodium chloride injection and 5%glu- w aveleng th spectrophotometery is simple and accu- cose injection. MET HODS :A t 25 °C, a dual ult ra- rate . violet spect rophotometry w as designed to st udy the change o content a ter compatibility o gati loxacin [REFERENCES] and vitamin C, and the changes o the compatible liq- uid appearance and it s pH value . RES U LTS :T he [1] M IA O Y S, N I C, S HI JX, et al.D evelopment and quality control o gat i lox acin injection[J].Chin J N ew Drugs Clin Rem (in Chi- result showed that there were no evident variations in nese), 2003, 22(2):78-81. appearance o pH and content o gati loxacin during [2] D ENG L D, Z HO U J, JIA NG X H.N ew drug o luoroquinolone — eight hours, but content o vit amin C w as reduced gati lox acin[J].C hi n J C li n Pharm (in Chinese), 2002, 11 (4 ): slow ly revealing more than 91.93 %in our hours at 245-247. room temperature (25.0 ±s 1.0 )°C . CONC LU - [3] H UA NG KH, W U CX, H U B, et al.Com patible stabilit y o gati- SION :Gati loxacin or inject ion can be mixed with vi- lox acin injection and 5 liquids[J].Chin Hosp Pharm J (in Chi- nese), 200 1, 2 1 (7):437-438. tamin C injection in sodium chloride injection and 5 % [4] K E CY, ZHAO CJ.S tudy on compatibility o gati lox acin or injec- g lucose injection, but the preparation should be u sed t ion and 60 injections[J].Chi n Pharm (in C hi nese), 2003, 12 (7 ): w it hin our hours.


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