Development of the New Australian Earthquake (发展新的澳大利亚地震).pdf

Development of the New Australian Earthquake (发展新的澳大利亚地震).pdf

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Development of the New Australian Earthquake (发展新的澳大利亚地震)

EJSE Special Issue: Earthquake Engineering in the low and moderate seismic regions of Southeast Asia and Australia (2008) Development of the New Australian Earthquake Loading Standard 1 2 3 J.L. Wilson N.T.K. Lam , L. Pham 1 Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Science, Swinburne University of Technology Hawthorne, Victoria Infrastructure Protection Group (IPG), Department of Civil Environmental Engineering, The University of 2 Melbourne 3 Honorary Research Fellow, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Australia ABSTRACT: This paper outlines the development of the Australian Earthquake Loading Standard, AS1170.4 published in 2007. Australia is a country of low to moderate seismicity with a number of Magnitude 6.8 events recorded and a moderate 5.6 magnitude event in Newcastle in 1989 that killed 13 people and caused in excess of $2 Billion damage. A new design response spectrum has been developed for Australia which has a very good representation of accelerations, velocities and displacements for rock and soft soil sites. The meth- odology used to develop the spectrum could be extended to other countries of low to moderate seismicity. The Standard introduces a tiered approach to earthquake loading from a simplistic force based approach to a more complex displacement based method. The displacement based method has significant advantages in low seis- mic regions and allows designers to design for gravity and wind loads and then to carry out a displacement check for earthquake effects. KEYWORDS: Loading Standard, Earthquake, Seismic, Australia 1 BACKGROUND


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