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 第 29 卷第 4 期 水  产  学  报 Vol . 29 , N o . 4   2005 年 8 月                            Aug . , 2005   J OURNAL OF FISHERIES OF CHINA ( ) 文章编号 : 1000 - 0615 2005 04 - 0560 - 05 ·综述 · 淡水蚌类繁殖生物学研究进展 1 2 3 张根芳 ,  方爱萍 ,  李家乐 ( 1. 金华职业技术学院,浙江 金华  321007 ; 2 . 金华市威旺养殖新技术有限公司 ,浙江 金华  321017 ; 3. 上海水产大学生命科学与技术学院,上海  20001) ( ) 关键词 :蚌科 瓣鳃纲 ; 繁殖生物学; 研究进展 中图分类号 :S968. 3    文献标识码 :A A revie w in reproductive biology of freshwater mussel ( Unionidae) 1 2 3 ZHAN G Genfang , FAN G Aiping , L I J iale ( 1. J inhua College of Prof ession and Technology , J inhua  321007 , China ; 2. J inhua Wellwant New A quaculture Technology Co. L td. , J inhua  321017 , China ; 3. College of A qualfi e Science and Technology , S hanghai Fisheries University , S hanghai  200090 , China) Abstract : Unionidae , one maj or freshwater family of a Bivalvia with many sp ecies , is distributed very extensively . Some of them have high economic value . Due to the deterioration of world environment , its resource is declining continually . The develop ment of eygote of freshwater mussel (Unionidae) undergoes in the gill . When it grows to the stage of glochidia ,it must live a p arasitic life on fish . Because of this breeding feature , the artificia



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