Individual foundation design for column loads(个人基础设计列加载).pdf

Individual foundation design for column loads(个人基础设计列加载).pdf

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Individual foundation design for column loads(个人基础设计列加载)

Individual foundation design for column loads Roger A. Failmezger President, In-Situ Soil Testing, L.C., 173 Dillin Drive, Lancaster, Virginia 22503, email: Paul J. Bullock Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, P.O. Box 116580, Gainesville, Florida 32611-6580, email: Keywords: dilatometer, cone penetrometer, settlement, spread footing, pile ABSTRACT: Structural column loads are supported by either shallow spread footings or deep foundations. While design analyses should always avoid a catastrophic or bearing capacity failure, it is usually the unsatis- factory performance due to excessive settlement that controls the design. Column loads and subsurface con- ditions can vary across the project’s site. Often engineers recommend a general bearing pressure for spread footings or a constant tip elevation for deep foundations based on what they consider to be the worst-case scenario. Ironically, while they think that they are being safe, the overdesigned foundations will have mini- mal settlement, while the “worst case scenario” foundations may settle the amount predicted by the engineers. With this design approach, differential settlement occurs. Overdesigned foundations provide poorer perform- ance and cost more. The approach presented here requires that the foundations for each column be individu- ally designed based on the load and subsurface conditions. 1 INTRODUCTION 2 SHALLOW FOUNDATION DESIGN By designing all foundations at a site for the worst possible load and soil support conditions, the engi- As shown in Figure 1, the Marchetti dilatometer test neer may increase the magnitude of undesired dif- (DMT) is a calibrated deformation


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