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城乡规划学 全日制硕士学术型研究生 培 养 方 案 武汉理工大学研究生院 二O一六年五月 城乡规划学全日制硕士学术型研究生培养方案 (专业代码:0833) Programs of Cultivating Full-time Academic Master of Urban and Rural Planning (professional code: 0833) 一、培养目标 本学科(专业)培养能遵守我国宪法、法律和研究生行为准则,德智体全面发展的高级人才。 1.掌握马列主义基本理论、树立科学的世界观,坚持党的基本路线,热爱祖国;遵纪守法,品行端正;诚实守信,学风严谨,团结协作,具有良好的科研道德和敬业精神。 2.掌握扎实的城规划理论与知识,具有科研能力、创新能力及实践能力I、Educational Objectives The discipline of the major request that the master can abide by Chinas constitution and laws, and becomes a senior person of all-round development. 1. To master the basic theory of Marxism, establish a scientific world view, adhere to the Partys basic line, love the motherland; law-abiding, good conduct; honest and trustworthy, rigorous style of study, solidarity and cooperation, with good research ethics and professionalism. 2. To master the basic theory and knowledge of urban and rural planning, with scientific research ability, innovation ability and practical ability. The master can be engaged in urban and rural planning research, planning design, planning management and related other work. After graduation the master can enter the relevant government departments, urban and rural planning and design, education and other units in professional work, but also continue to study in this field for the academic research. 3. To master a foreign language, can be more skilled in professional reading and writing of urban and rural planning. 4. To have a healthy physique, good psychological quality, high professional quality and teamwork spirit. 二、研究方向 城乡规划 II、The Research Direction Urban and Rural Planning 三、学制、学习年限与学分要求 硕士研究生学制为3年,学习年限一般为3年(特殊情况者可延长至5年)。毕业总学分不低于27学分,其中课程总学分不低于22学分(其中公共学位课不少于7学分,专业学位课程不少于9学分,选修课程学分不少于6分),必修环节不低于5学分。 III、Educational System and Years of Study Educational system is for 3 years, the study period is generally 3 years (special circumstances may be extended to 5 years). Graduation total credit is not less than 27credits, which total credits of course not less than 2


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