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22 6 V o l. 22 , N o. 6 2002 12 Bulletin of Soil a nd Wa ter Co nserv a tion Dec. , 2002   白岗栓, 杜社妮, 侯喜录 ( , 7 12 100)  : 、, ,、,,、、、 ,,,、、。 : :       : 1000— 2 88 ( 2002) 06— 0062— 0 3      : 181 A X S - Preliminary Exploration of Eco agriculture Construction - in Shangzhou Valley plain Area BA I Gang-shu an , DU She-ni, HO U Xi -lu ( , , Institute of Soil and Water Conservation Chinese Academy of Sciences N orthwest Science and Technology , 7 12 100, , ) University of Agriculture and Forestry Yangling District Shaan i Prov ince China : , - Abstract On the basi s of na tural reso urces socio econo mic st atu s a nd producti on ob st ructi on s in Sh ang zhou - , . va lley plain area the st ru ct ure o f planting and breedi ng sho uld be actively adjust ed The co nst ructio n of lev - el terraced fi eld should be g one f rom st reng th to st reng t h. Highl y ef fectiv e eco-g reenhou se should be devel- o ped . Th e produ ctio n of w al nut , persim mon , Chinese prickly ash and Chi nese herb al medici ne, mu shroo m should be int en sified. By



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