基于多时相HJ 卫星的冬小麦面积提取.PDF

基于多时相HJ 卫星的冬小麦面积提取.PDF

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基于多时相HJ 卫星的冬小麦面积提取

2011. 2 遥感信息 基于多时相HJ 卫星的冬小麦面积提取 , 赵丽花 , 李卫国 , 杜培军 ( , 22 1116; , 2100 14) : 我国环境与灾害监测预报小卫星HJ1A/ B 具有较高的时间和空间分辨率, 在作物种植 积提取和长 势监测等方 具有较大优势本文以江苏省姜堰市为研究区, 根据冬小麦的物候规律和季相节律的差异性, 选取 返青期和拔节期两 个生育期的HJ 卫星影像, 借鉴分层信息提取法原理, 综合利用监督分类和非监督分类法, 结合 人机交互目视解译和实地定位调查等资料提取了姜堰市的冬小麦种植 积, 总体 积提取精度达到90. 22% , 样 点空间匹配精度为81. 25% , 实验基地空间匹配精度为80. 34% 结果表明: HJ 卫星能够用于提取南方地区冬小 麦种植 积和长势监测, 满足农情监测的需要, 且利用多时相遥感影像能有效地增加信息量, 实现信息互补, 有助 于提高监测精度 : 冬小麦; HJ 卫星; 多时相遥感影像; 种植 积 doi:10. 3969/ j. issn. 1000- 3177. 2011. 02. 008 : T P79 : A : 1000- 3177( 2011) 114- 0041- 05 TheArea Extraction of Winter Wheat Based on Multitemporal HJ Remote Sensing Satellite Images , ZH A O Li hua , LI W i guo , DU P i jun ( K ey L abor atory f or L and E nv ir onment and D isaster M onitor ing of State B ur eau of S ur v ey ing and M ap p ing , China Univ ers ity of M ini ng and Techno o gy , X uz hou 221116; I nstitute of r esour ces and E nv ir onment , J iangsu A cademy of A g r ic u tur a Sc iences , N anj ing 2100 14) Abstract:Environm nt and disast r monitoring and for casting sat llit s of our count ry, w ith high r tim and spatial r solu t ion, hav a gr at advantag in xtracting t h crop ar a and monit oring crop growth. T aking th Jiangy an city of Jiangsu provinc as t h study ar a, tw o H J1A/ B imag s of th r viving and jointing grow th stag of wint r wh at ar chos bas d on th law of wint r wh at ph nology and s asonal diff r nc s in rhythm. This pap r r f r nc s hi rarchical information xt raction m t hod, and us s sup rvis d classif ication and unsup rvis d classification


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