盐城灰鹤(Grus grus)越冬种群动态及行为观察 - Bioline International.PDF

盐城灰鹤(Grus grus)越冬种群动态及行为观察 - Bioline International.PDF

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盐城灰鹤(Grus grus)越冬种群动态及行为观察 - Bioline International

动 物 学 研 究 2013,Oct. 34(5): 453−458 CN 53-1040/Q ISSN 0254-5853 Zoological Research DOI:10.11813/j.issn.0254-5853.2013.5.0453 盐城灰鹤 (Grus grus)越冬种群动态及行为观察 1,* 2 1 李忠秋 ,王 智 ,葛 晨 1.南京大学 生命科学学院,江苏 南京 210093 2 .中国环境保护部南京环境科学研究所,江苏 南京 210042 摘要:为解盐城灰鹤(Grus grus)的越冬种群动态及行为特征,在盐城保护区设置两条样线,自2008 年 12 月始,连续5 个冬季每月一次作种群监测,并观察灰鹤家族群的越冬行为。结果显示,近5 年来,盐城越冬灰鹤种群(303~707 只)较为 稳定,沿海开发对其种群似乎并无负面影响,这可能与灰鹤的食性及生境偏好有关。年龄对灰鹤越冬行为影响显著,幼鹤相 较成鹤将花费更多的时间用于采食,而用于警戒的时间较少,这与幼鹤所处的生长及学习阶段有关。家族群大小对灰鹤的采 食、警戒及群体警戒效率等均无显著影响,说明对于灰鹤而言,两只幼鹤并未显著增加其在警戒行为上的投入。 关键词:灰鹤;种群;采食行为;警戒行为;年龄;集群效应;家族群 中图分类号:Q959.7+26 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0254-5853-(2013)05-0453-06 Population trends and behavioral observations of wintering common cranes (Grus grus) in Yancheng Nature Reserve 1,* 2 1 Zhong-Qiu LI , Zhi WANG , Chen GE 1. School of Life Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China 2. Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science, Ministry of Environment Protection, Nanjing 210042, China Abstract: To understand the population status and behavioural features of wintering common cranes in the Yancheng Nature Reserve, two transects were established and population trends were monitored every month over five recent winters from 2008 to 2013. Wintering behaviours were also observed in order to explore the possible effects of family size and age on time budgets. Results indicated that the populations were stable with a range of 303 to 707 individuals. Negative effects of coastal developments were not found on the wintering population of common cranes, which might be related to their diets and preference for artificial wetland habitats. We found a significant effect of age on time budgets, with juveniles spending



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