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绕道 今天的路可真堵。Traffic is so slow today. 前面好像出车祸了。There seems to be a wreck ahead. 警官,你为什么要拦我?Why do you stop me ,sir? 你超速了!You are speeding! 我把驾照落在家里了。I left my license at home. 就请放过我一马吧。Please let me go this time. 我找不到停车的地方。I cant find the parking spot. 我们得停车问一下路。We have got to (必须)stop to ask direction. 你能帮我一下吗?我迷路了。Can you help me?Im lost. * * * 出国旅游系列 3 - 交通工具 4/12/2012 集大英语沙龙 5 Take Train Amtrak south-bound 向南开的 north-bound 向北开的 coach 车厢 dining-car 餐车 sleeping-car 卧铺 Take the train Train 实用句型 我可以把行李托运到目的地吗?Can I check my luggage through? 餐车在哪儿? Where is the dining car? 这列火车在我们这站停留多久?How long does this train stay at this station? 请问乘坐四次列车应该去哪个站台?Which track is for the No.4 train? 列车为什么晚点了那么久?What is the train delayed so long? 请帮我把行李放在上面的行李架上?Please help me put my luggage on the rack(行李架)? 火车上有插座吗?Is there outlets in the train? 到底哪里还需要多久?How much longer will it take to get there? 我们马上就要到站了。Well be at the station in a minute. 实用句型 The train for Chicago is on track 9.? 开往芝加哥的列车停靠在第9站台。 I have bought a ticket for a sleeper.? 我买了张卧铺票。 I want to ask about the train timetable.? 我要查询一下火车行车时间表。 Do you like to take a local train or an express?? 你想坐普通车还是快车? Where can I catch an express for Times Square ?? 请问我到哪里能坐快车去时代广场? 情景对话 Rose: Do you know how long we are going to stop here? ??您知道我们要在这里停留多久吗?? Joyce:About 20 minutes. ??大约20分钟.? R:What time will we get to the destination? ??我们什么时候到达目的地?? J:In 2 hours, I suppose. ??我想大概得两小时以后吧.? R:What stop is this? ??这是哪一站?? J:It is New York. ??是纽约.? R:How many stops are there from here to the destination? ??从这里到目的地还有多少站?? J:12 stops. ??还有12站.? R:Will you remind me when we get there? ??当我们到站时你能提醒我一下吗?? J:You can listen to the announcement on the train, and it will tell you when we get there. ??您可以听车上广播.我们到站时广播公告会提醒您.? 乘坐公交车 Take the bus Take the bus 乘坐公交车 你知不知道2路车隔多久来一次?Do you know how often the No.2 Bus runs? 到这个地方,我坐这辆公交车对吗?Am I on the right bus for this location? 这是去图书馆的车吗?Is this the bus to the library? 咱们往车


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