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第32 卷第8期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol32, No. 8 2 0 1 1 年 8 月 Journal of Northeastern U niversity( Natural S ien e) Aug. 2 0 1 1 公卫江, 范 爽, 司秀丽, 魏国柱 ( , 110819) : , , , , , : ; ; ; ; : O 471. 1 : A : 20 11) A Method for Solving the EigenStates of OneDimensional Quantum Systems GON G Weij iang , FA N Shuang , SI X iuli , WEI Guoz h u ( S hool of S ien es, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China. Corresponding author : WEI Guozhu, professor, Email: guozhuwei02 @ sina. om) Abstract: In order to derive a onvenient solution to a onedimensional quantum system , a method is presented to solve the onedimensional quantum hain and quantum ring. The eigen energy spe tra of the tw o stru tures are ompared by a geometri approa h so as to further larify the hara teristi s of the eigenenergy spe tra. In addition, the hanges in the eigenenergies are dis ussed in the presen e of the flu tuated onsite energy , and the onditions are given under w hi h the surfa e state in the quantum hain stru ture appears. On the other hand, no surfa e state appears in the quantum ring despite the flu tuation of the onsite energy. Key words: quantum hain; quantum ring; eigenenergy; spe trum; onsite energy , [ 1- 4] , H = E , E , , N [5- 7] , , E = k 0 + 2t os ka ( k , a ) , , [ 8]


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