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专项训练四--- 物主代词和反身代词 一.物主代词 物主代词是表示 “你的, 我的,他的,她的,它的, 你们的,我们的,他们的,它们的” 代词。 物主代词分为:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 人称 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 单数 复数 单数 复数 第一人称 my our mine ours 第二人称 your your yours yours 第三人称 his her its their his hers its theirs 【典型例题】 一.用物主代词及所给词的适当形式填空。 1. This is my blue bike. The blue bike is ___________. 2. That is Sue’s green dress. The green dress is ___________. 3. This is Tom’s jacket. It’s ____________. 4. That is our classroom. It is ____________. 5. This is their computer. It’s __________. 6. This is a monkey. _________ tail is long. 7. This is your coat. This coat is __________. 8. These are Ken and Kate’s father’s clothes. These coats are ________ ________. 9. Mike was tired, so he went to __________ bedroom and had a sleep. 10. The children are cleaning __________ classroom. 二.反身代词。 反身代词是指表示“我自己,你自己,他/ 她/它自己,我们自己,你们自己,他们/她们/它们自己”等的代词。 人称 单数 复数 第一人称 myself ourselves 第二人称 yourself yourselves 第三人称 himself herself itself themselves 【典型例题】 一.用反身代词填空。 1. I often finish my homework by ___________. 2. They clean their classroom by ________. 3. Sam washed his clothes by _________. 4. Do you often work at computer by ________. 5. Mary doesn’t do her homework by ________. 6. The robot bought some vegetables by ________. 7. Ken and Carl are working by ________. 8. You and I are cleaning the house by _________. 9. He and you can go home by ________. 10. She and he must finish the work before supper by ________. 课堂练习 Listening: The Gray Family I. Listen carefully and write “T” for true, and “F” for “False beside the statements. ( )1.There are six people in the family. ( )2.Mrs.Gray is reading a book at the desk. ( )3.Tom has got an old bike. ( )4.Mr.Gray is cleaning his Japanese car with Dick. II. Listen to the questions and choose the best answer: A,B,C,D. ( )1.A.It’s Sunday. B. It’s Saturday. C. It’s morning. D. It’s evening. ( )2.A. She is cleaning the chair. B. She is cleaning the desk. C. She is reading a bo


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